Tuesday, January 31, 2006
What's Your Destiny? Finding Your Purpose in Life Alwyn, your destiny is to be a Whether you know it or not, this is the role that is most in tune with who you are at your core. As a Provider, you have a genuine nurturing concern for the welfare of others and you're eager to serve them. You can recognize exactly what people need and your friendly, helpful, social nature makes them feel comforted. With your kind and generous heart, you are personable, talkative, and outward with your emotions, and your openness and sensitivity makes you concerned about the way others view you. Along these lines, be careful not to blame yourself when things go wrong. You cannot prevent bad things from happening, even though your tendency to be orderly with a strong sense of right and wrong may lead you to believe you can. Accept that you do what you can to take care of things and that this will get you far in the world.
The Power Quotient Test Your Power and Influence Alwyn, on a scale of 1-100, your Power Quotient is This number is based on how you answered the questions in this test and how you compare to others. Your power style is Diplomatic. Your diplomatic skills make you an ideal team player-and even a great team leader. Your natural sensitivity has made you a master of reading moods and makes you adept at getting your point across. We also measured you on 5 different psychological scales to uncover what makes you influential and reveal how others see you. --- The Social Networking Test How You Connect to Other People Alwyn, your greatest social strength is to be a You're the embodiment of tender loving care. You genuinely enjoy listening to others talk about how they feel, and you're skilled at using your insight to help them find solutions to their problems.
When you connect with people who have skills that complement yours, powerful networks can be formed. Discover how to use your unique social style to build the connections that will get you everything you want in life — from friendship, to work, to the love of your life. --- The Love Personality Test Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Alwyn, your love personality type is ENTP About 4-6% of the U.S. population possesses the combination of traits that make up this personality type.
As an ENTP, you can be the life of the party. Most people are apt to be immediately taken with your enthusiasm and friendly nature. You're the kind who always seems to have a good story or anecdote on hand to reveal your charm and wit. However, that's not to imply that you're simply a jokester. You also seem to enjoy thinking deeply and creatively on any number of topics. ENTPs like you can have a knack for coming up with novel ways of looking at the world. This usually makes your type more open-minded than lots of other people are. Your rare combination of social skills and common sense can make you a winning catch. In relationships, part of what often excites you is sharing your ideas about the world. You can be one smooth talker and at times, a masterful negotiator. You also seem to be the kind of social person who can make friends in a roomful of strangers. This is a rare talent. --- Career Personality Test Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument Alwyn, your career personality type is That means that based on the standard measure of personality traits, you are well-balanced and place equal importance on work as on your personal life. You are dedicated to maintaining a level of culture in your life and therefore won't sacrifice interesting work for high pay. With your high energy and chameleon-like adaptabilities, you seek work that is fast-paced and ever-changing. Working directly with people provides you with that outlet. On top of it, you have an uncanny ability to keep peace and maintain a level of serenity and happiness in your environment. If emotions flare up in the room, people look to you to pull out a story or joke that deflates the tension. You prefer to live in the moment and appreciate what life and work offer now. The future is unknowable and does not draw you in like the present. Part of your easy-going outlook toward the future has to do with knowing that you can adapt to whatever comes your way. The reason employers and recruiters might be on the lookout for you is that only about 8% of the U.S. population shares the unique characteristics of your personality type. Research shows that businesses succeed when employers create a good balance of personality types in the office. And since only 8% of the U.S. population shares your type, that means employers are looking for you. --- ...WASTING TIME LA. hahaha i go do tutorials now BYEBYE WORLDDD
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/31/2006 08:19:00 pm :)
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How many roads must a man walk down, before you call him a man? How many seas must a white dove fly, before she sleeps in the sand? And how many times must a cannon ball fly, before they're forever banned?
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist, before it is washed to the sea? How many years can some people exist, before they're allowed to be free? And how many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn't see?
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
How many times must a man look up, before he sees the sky? And how many ears must one man have, before he can hear people cry ? And how many deaths will it take till we know, that too many people have died?
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
The answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.
i used to sing this song a lot when i was a kid. never really did understand it then.. and i'm still not sure that i do now. 42?
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/31/2006 07:21:00 pm :)
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language, as a means of communication... is rather crude. but then again, so are humans. hm? =D
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/31/2006 07:02:00 pm :)
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Saturday, January 28, 2006
happy chinese new year, everybody! =D
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/28/2006 11:54:00 pm :)
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Friday, January 27, 2006
finally some time to myself, so maybe i shall blog. so anyways. hi! i'm alwyn. \ \ / / i am now in rjc! and so far it's been pretty fun... ok i won't be blogging about orientation anymore cos it's so long ago alrd. i STILL WANT the pictures though! jianliang! and in case anyone's interested to know, my subject combi is pbmk with h1chem... which, imo, could be quite demanding. and that's why i am taking no more than ONE cca in rj and that shall be judo! ^^ randomness... let me talk about how lessons have been going so far. physics- has been pretty ok, fairly evenly-paced. mr raufie is quite a nice guy and he responds when you sit in the third row and call his name out. but so far we haven't yet progressed into the deeper stuff like EM and thermal physics, just reworking the more basic topics like dimensional consistency, scalars and vectors, kinematics. tutorials are pretty ok as well and physics pracs are fun! got ppl with infinite reaction time one.. ^^ biology- is the subject where i have been learning the most so far. the pace of lectures is fast, but still manageable, and also quite satisfying because i feel that i am actually learning something useful and interesting! let's see.. we've done carbo, lipids and finishing proteins soon. so genomics will probably be up next! yay. ohoh and the bio lectureres are quite funny too. especially adrian loo! too bad he's not our bio tutor... and then there's the other two, the guy who taught us lipids can't rmb his name, and mr ngan who taught proteins and interestingly pronounces each syllable with equal emphasis. nonetheless i still think our bio tutorials have been quite unproductive, cos our tutor's a part-time teacher and she probably doesn't really noe what we have been learning during the lectures themselves, and she spends half the time going through stuff that's in the notes. ohwells, at least we get to revise. hope we're not progressing slower than the other bio classes, though. i suddenly realise that what i'm typing isn't very interesting at all, and i don't really understand why i'm writing all this anyway. maybe it just seems interesting for me to recap all that has happened in my new jc life so far. h1 chemistry- ok, don't really noe what to say about h1 chem. i like the classmates, i like the teachers, and i especially love the classroom, but the timings for our chem lessons are really quite weird, like right at the end of the day when i usually seriously feel like knocking off, and one of them is right after pe as well. not that i'm putting the blame on these factors for my inability to stay on track, cos the truth is that i haven't really been putting in much effort for chem this year too... or last year, for that matter. now it's not so bad, cos we're still on mole concept, but once we move on to new topics i really will have to stay focused. math- lectures are very lame and corny thanks to ms chen who is our math lecturer. yay ms chen! =D didn't really talk to her much when she was i/c of rj judo and i was still an ri boi, but at least she remembers my name ^^ we're doing functions now which has quite alot of stuff to remember, and my memory is bad so i hope i don't do too badly for it. and YES i know the proper way to learning math is through understanding of the concepts themselves... but when all the concepts are presented in the forms of numbers and letters and there is just so much to understand at once, it becomes alot harder to visualise as compared to say, bio concepts, and sometimes it's just more convenient to commit everything to memory. which, then again, is something that i don't really like to do. and guys are supposed to be good at math! so i am sad =( ok i hope i'm not turning people away by sounding too pathetic. and i forgot to mention math tutorials.. but math tutorials is mostly spent on just going through the questions... so nothing much to be said, i guess. except that the atmosphere is quite fun and lively and the entire class save one is together so we get to make a lot of noise and talk rubbish =D ki- lessons are still a tad disorganised, but that's ok cos at any rate, they're still way better than ri philo lessons. anyways i think that as the lessons continue to progress, we should be more able to discuss about the topics in greater depth and hopefully draw some meaningful conclusions, instead of just spamming alot of questions and leaving it up to us whether we want to go home and think about them or not. which reminds me, that my original intention when i sat down to blog was to talk about the stuff that we've been discussing in ki lectures lately. but now i just don't feel like doing that, because, well, i don't really see the NEED to (as opposed to the time of the xiaxue cockroach incident where i really needed to get my message across to theists so that they'd be better able to understand our position), and also because... my mind has drifted away from the topic. and i really hope that it stops doing that, because it seriously messes me up. ohwells. maybe some other time then. and now i think i shall talk about judo training. been pretty normal, save for the fact that my fitness is nowhere near the state at which it was during the national season last year. i am well aware of the fact that individuals are in march, and that i should really be putting in more effort to get back in shape if i actually want to win something, cos even though i am pretty confident of my technique and playing style, my strength and stamina are still quite noobish and that i shouldn't be taking such chances with my success cos the individuals is the only competition where i have been able to win medals so far. (quite sad right? i noe i noe... but win indivs already = south zone colours, and for that i am happy =D must zhi zu chang le what...) but then again, if i channel more energy into training, means i have less energy for work! and already i do not think that i have enough energy for work. or maybe my current energy level just plain sucks. hmm.. meditate on this, i must. oh.. my class my class! my class is not one of those classes where everyone takes pcme or bcme and so we can all pass messages down during econs lecture and decide on the spot to go out as a class for lunch.. which is both good and bad, bad because it'll be much harder to arrange outings and such with all our very different combis, and good because our differences will be what makes us unique and special and diverse and fun and... different! yayy. so... s03s, i love you! but i still think we should be bonding more. covalent bonds mind you, h-bonds will not make a difference. =D well, at least i have 3 other ppl who take the same combi as me.. so much <3 to zl, wangrui and zhengrong! zhengrong's face is very funny i don't know why, and he runs fast. blehh. :) kay actually i think blogging like this feels very weird (for me). not used to it anymore.. and dunno if i can continue to do this after the cny break. already i get the naggy feeling that i might be wasting my time :D and i'm also quite disinclined to penning down my ideas or opinions on certain topics on my blog, unlike ppl like xinyang, because more often than not i will find myself repeating those same ideas to whatever people who might not have read my blog but still want to know more about what i think. recall: debates with dear atheists at Naskes' and D'Sweeper's which were really frustrating because some of the people there never seemed to be listening to what i was actually saying, but still expected me to be convinced anyway. i guess renson was right in saying that people generally pay more attention to counter-arguments than arguments themselves. but if one does not take a proactive approach in those issues that really matter to you, then how much of a difference can one actually make? sigh, so maybe it was from there that i grew to dislike reiterating arguments, sometimes re-arguing the arguments themselves- arguments which i had already invested so much time and energy in thinking about them. and since few ppl read my blog anyway, i therefore find it quite pointless to pen down my own opinions on MY blog for ME to read, when i already know what they are anyway! lol. now you all get a vague picture of the random stuff that's constantly running through my head. haha! anw, i intend to mug alot and finish all my tutorials during the cny break. (A) kthnxbai.
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/27/2006 07:04:00 pm :)
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
The Emotional IQ Test How People-Smart Are You? Alwyn, your Emotional IQ is This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Emotional IQ test. But your Emotional IQ score is much more than just a number: it's an indicator of success. Research has shown that people with high emotional intelligence scores — not necessarily those with the highest IQ scores — tend to be the most valued and productive employees and have the longest and happiest romantic relationships. So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is empathy — your ability to see things from someone else's point of view. ----- Your Gender Identity Are You More Masculine or Feminine? Alwyn, you're This is based on how you scored on a variety of traits that, founded on classic research and our own studies, are typically associated with women. You're also 40% masculine, which is based on how you scored on traits that are typically associated with men. When we compare your results with other men it shows that you are somewhat more feminine than other men. But what is gender identity exactly? A person's gender identity is defined by the extent to which they see themselves as masculine or feminine. Every person possesses both masculine and feminine qualities to some degree, however the extent to which each person has these qualities differs widely. ----- What's Your Best Quality? Use What You've Got to Get What You Want Alwyn, your best quality shines through in how Creative you are The fact that you're an inventive and creative person who usually has an abundance of imagination and ideas really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're a smart person who is more able to understand complex concepts than many other people are. You are great at expressing myself and can be at my best when articulating my ideas or communicating with others, too. In all, there are 15 qualities that help define you when you're at your best. Those are the traits potential employers, friends, and partners look for in you. What makes you unique is your particular distribution of those 15 qualities. We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 1 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them. ----- What Drives You? How to Motivate Yourself to Take Action Alwyn, your Key Motivator, the thing that really drives you to success in life, is Based on your answers about values, past behaviors, and internal priorities, we can tell you are most fulfilled when you're interacting with others. You connect to the world through your connections with people. For this reason, you seek social attention and are apt to join groups and organizations, either formal or informal.
You, more than others, look for ways to belong to a group, to have fun, to care for others, and occasionally, to be the center of attention. You thrive when you see the opportunity to interact with friends, colleagues, and family, and you tend to want to soak up everything you can about people and relationships. Perhaps it's because you recognize that learning about interpersonal dynamics will, in turn, make you a better person — more caring, more empathetic and more honest with yourself. ----- lol.
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/22/2006 11:28:00 pm :)
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
actually, i didn't want to blog. i thought i gave up on blogging already... BUT. i got tagged by jingwen! which means now i get to say 5 random things about myself. wheee! 1. i am the only singaporean guy in rjc with my subject combi which is donttellyou 2. i am some luzzer who never manged to complete kotor on dark side alignment because i couldn't bear to do evil things... 3. people actually think i'm gay! like wthwth rite? like do i even LOOK gay? :o *on this point, people also think i'm a half-girl/filipino/filipino gay/chinese dancer/whatever =D 4. i think all the subjects that i'm taking minus PW are fun!! ok i know this is koped off xinyang's one but whatever 5. my blog is dead. psst.
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/18/2006 09:18:00 pm :)
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
TIRED. judo training aer killed me plx. blog about orientation another day, hopefully. hahahahah.
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/10/2006 01:16:00 am :)
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Sunday, January 08, 2006
argh i had such a nice layout and then my geocities bandwidth has to suddenly DIE ON ME!!! i had my music and background imga efiles there so now u prolly can't see anything urgh. anyone knows other hosting sites other than geocities and tripod? -- ok now i've hosted my image on imageshack and ggy has so nicely volunteered to host my music for me! :D:D:D go ggy! ggy rocks so now i shall advertise for him. go to his blog at http://www.loneoceans.com/blog
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/08/2006 09:09:00 pm :)
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 Wind The Force of Nature Quiz brought to you by Quizilla You're a Glass of Wine! What Type of Alcoholic Beverage Are You?brought to you by Quizilla You are guided by light. While all can be bad around you, you still stay calm and make things better. There aren't a lot of people in the world like you. (Rate my test) What force is your soul?brought to you by Quizilla You are one of the few out there whose wings are truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and divine, you are one blessed with a certain cosmic grace. You are unequalled in peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of Light your wings are massive and a soft white or silver. Countless feathers grace them and radiate the light within you for all the world to see. You are a defender, protector, and caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver of the wrong, chances are you are taken advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often. But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in everyone and so this mistreatment does not make you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will try to help misguided souls find themselves and peace. However not all Angelics allow themselves to be gotten the better of - the Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting for the sake of Justice and protection of those less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever change - the world needs more people like you. Image Copyright Sheila Wolk (prints available through treefreegreetings.com) - words added by myself. *~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*brought to you by Quizilla ! You are most like An Emerald ! Caring, giving, - and very emotional. You're the person people turn to with a problem. You worry about everybody, and genuinely want to help - a little too much sometimes. As an emerald, you tend to take a more backseat to the other gems, but your inner beauty soon captivates those who take the time to get to know you. Congratulations ... You're the selfless gem everybody needs as a friend. ?? Which Precious Gem Are You ??brought to you by Quizilla Morpheus ?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??brought to you by QuizillaThe Dante's Inferno Test has sent you to the First Level of Hell - Limbo!Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/08/2006 04:22:00 pm :)
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hahahahahha yay i changed my blogskin finally!! :D much love for me pls! i love this blog skin it's so much better than my previous one. :D:D:D now what shall i do har. okie blog about orientation maybe. but first lemme post up a few of the quizzes that were from my very early posts and that i'm doing again :D
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/08/2006 04:20:00 pm :)
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Saturday, January 07, 2006
to anyone who is STILL reading this, I LOVE YOU. but i also think you're kinda sad. hahahaahh. aiya i'll try my best to resurrect this blog la k? if it's even possible... i'm gonna start by looking for a new skin!
spacetime rip! by agent quantum , quite possibly
1/07/2006 09:35:00 pm :)
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