Friday, February 13, 2004
"I tried so hard And got so far But in the end It doesn't even matter" -"In the End" by Linkin Park well. the news is out about about jialing's suicide. apparently, she was accused of handphone theft...denied the accusations vehemently...then afraid to go home to face up to her she her sch u...right outside her home. for those not in the know, jialing was my p5 classmate. shall not comment on her death. such matters are better kept to oneself.
Monday, February 02, 2004
"There's no problem on this earth that can't be solved with a liberal dose of high explosive" - Founder and former commander of SEAL Team SIX, Richard "Dick" Marcinko Timo's Party: Part II *first, a random though from yours truly: the US soldiers in Iraq are going to be wiped out soon* ok, so thou shalt continue with thy misadventures at unit 21g, the areca. ok, so after yufeng lost her lil butterfly pendant, which according to them, was given to her by wanwin...err everyone started searching for it, yah? all the guys started getting excited and gung-ho when suddenly...someone realised that they had no way of looking for it in all that murky blue water in the pool. so most of the guys ended up following stiu "the fish"'s idea, and started randomly dragging their feet around in the hope that someday their feet will strike something solid, and lo and behold, they will discover the pendant. someday. screwit. noone was making any progress whatsoever. then someone asked,"how big is the pendant?" ...silence...then i replied "pendant-sized," and promptly got slapped by someone else, think it was lincoln. matters became complicated when people started getting excited, and thinking they hit something solid, dived down into the water, only to grab at a particular patch of water which didnt seem to resemble a butterfly pendant after all. so i decided to do things my way. dived down and started searching the floor of the pool itself. and found the pendant within less than a minute. so i raised my hand up in triumph, just like arnold-fucking-schwarzenegger did in Predator...and promptly got mugged by about 10 other guys who all wanted to get a piece of me, if not the pendant. a heroic struggle which the hero finally made his way across the barbaric mess of human bodies and returned his pot of gold to yufeng. roflmao. then after that. lincoln decided that it was time to celebrate my recovery of the pendant...and so i was given royal treatment, i.e. i had my underwear well taken care of by Lincoln Royal Wedgies and Co, Pte Ltd. when i came out of that brief little fling, stiu thought that my underwear was a fucking belt. had to go home in timo's buford boxers that night...selfish brat wun lend me his pierre cardin underwear. :P after my underwear's dramatic little transformation from brief to g-string, we started getting bored again, and naturally started looking for any sort of action in the pool. Thus began the 'dunking game'. started off innocuously enough, with just guys dunking other guys, with lots of screaming thrown in. Then came the special effects dunks, eg. handspring, front-flip, and my personal favourite, huanglu's attempted aerial-turned-silly-looking-cartwheel. Then came the co-ed dunks, when yufeng started to join in the fun and made the beeg mistake of trying to shove lincoln into the pool. lincoln turned around with that "you are SO in deep shit!"look, yanked her up by the waist, spun one big round and flung her into the pool, big splash and all. :) then she came out again. and got thrown in again. and out again. and in again. the same thing was happening to me though. quite an exciting way to work out. then i decided to turn the tables, and the next unlucky guy who tried to turn me into a soaking-wet motherfucking seal was gonna get a rather nasty experience of his own, heheh. unfortunately, the next unlucky guy who tried to do just that was garry! he came over...and tried to move me. i spun around. grabbed him by his tits. and 'heave ho, cocksucker!" gave him a rather vigorous lesson on how-to-swim. my style, of course. the dunking game went on for about an hour, i'd say, consisting mostly of people getting wet, drying off, and getting wet again. even wanwin joined in the fun, though i might say she was trying REALLY hard to stay out of it, heh. then at around 11, ppl started leaving. the rest of us carried on till about 11.20, where we decided it was about time we experienced how it felt like to be dry again. so we got outta the pool, and soggily made our way back to timo's house, where we more or less moisturised the place. i borrowed timo's boxers, went into a toilet, dried myself off as much as i could, wrung the water outta my soppy clothes, and erm...put them on again. then met up in timo's room, where it was decided that lincoln would tompang me home, and the girls would fetch a cab home by themselves. then it was decided that i take a cab with yufeng and leave lincoln to rot. so with plans set, we headed for the bus-stop (nearest available shelter wat) to wait. -oh gosh. have only said three fucks since the beginning of the post. damn, im losing my touch. right. so while the four of us fuckers fucking waited like fucking waiters in the motherfucking-cocksucking-pencil-dicked bus-stop, we fucking talked about fucking stuff that fucking concerned us one fucking way or another. then good old motherfucking me realised that there were two buses there that would be able to bring my soggy ass back home without the small-little problem of paying for the cab fare. so i told the others i would be going home by bus. so 93 came. flagged it down and was about to heave myself onboard when yufeng asked me to...go home with her...and...told the bus driver to move on. lesson: girls in bright yellow are evil. GRRR. then after awhile 28 came. i was taking no fucking chances, hahah. got yufeng's msn before scrambling onboard and waving goodbye to the three sorry little drenched rags left on the bus-stop. HOO-YAH. :D:D:D |